The word "legend" appeared in the English language circa 1340, transmitted from mediaeval Latin language through French. Its blurred extended (and essentially Protestant) sense of a non-historical narrative or myth was first recorded in 1613. By emphasizing the unrealistic character of "legends" of the saints, English-speaking Protestants were able to introduce a note of contrast to the "real" saints and martyrs of the Reformation, whose authentic narratives could be found in Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Thus "legend" gained its modern connotation of "undocumented" and "spurious".
Before the invention of the printing press, stories were passed on via oral tradition. Storytellers learned their stock in trade: their stories, typically received from an older storyteller, who might, though more likely not, have claimed to have actually known a witness, rendered the narrative as "history". Legend is distinguished from the genre of chronicle by the fact that legends apply structures that reveal a moral definition to events, providing meaning that lifts them above the repetitions and constraints of average human lives and giving them a universality that makes them worth repeating through many generations. In German-speaking and northern European countries, "legend", which involves Christian origins, is distinguished from "Saga", being from any other (usually, but not necessarily older) origin.
The modern characterisation of what may be termed a "legend" may be said to begin in 1865 with Jacob Grimm's observation, "The fairy tale is poetic, legend, historic."[4] Early scholars like Karl Wehrhahn[5] Friedrich Ranke[6] and Will-Erich Peukert[7] followed Grimm's example in focussing solely on the literary narrative, an approach that was enriched particularly after the 1960s[8] by addressing questions of performance and the anthropological and psychological insights provided in considering legends' social context. Questions of categorizing legends, in hopes of compiling a content-based series of categories on the line of the Aarne-Thompson folktale index provoked a search for a broader new synthesis.
In an early attempt at defining some basic questions operative in examining folk tales, Friedrich Ranke in 1925[9] characterised the folk legend as "a popular narrative with an objectively untrue imaginary content" a dismissive position that was subsequently largely abandoned.[10]
Compared to the highly-structured folktale, legend is comparatively formless, Helmut de Boor noted in 1928.[11] The narrative content of legend is in realistic mode, rather than the wry irony of folktale;[12] Wilhelm Heiske[13] remarked on the similarity of motifs in legend and folktale and concluded that, in spite of its realistic mode, legend is not more historical than folktale.
Legend is often considered in connection with rumour, also believable and concentrating on a single episode. Ernst Bernheim suggested that legend is simply the survival of rumour.[14] Gordon Allport credited the staying-power of certain rumours to the persistent cultural state-of-mind that they embody and capsulise;[15] thus "Urban legends" are a feature of rumour.[16] When Willian Jansen suggested that legends that disappear quickly were "short-term legends" and the persistent ones be termed "long-term legends", the distinction between legend and rumour was effectively obliterated, Tangherlini concluded.[17]
The elasticity of legend in its highly specific and localised social context has rendered it elusive to attempts to typify it simply through its content
Selasa, 31 Maret 2009
Kamis, 19 Maret 2009
Seharah Perkembangan
Basket dianggap sebagai olahraga unik karena diciptakan secara tidak sengaja oleh seorang pastor. Pada tahun 1891, Dr. James Naismith, seorang pastor asal Kanada yang mengajar di sebuah fakultas untuk para mahasiswa profesional di YMCA (sebuah wadah pemuda umat Kristen) di Springfield, Massachusetts, harus membuat suatu permainan di ruang tertutup untuk mengisi waktu para siswa pada masa liburan musim dingin di New England.Terinspirasi dari permainan yang pernah ia mainkan saat kecil di Ontario,Naismith menciptakan permainan yang sekarang dikenal sebagai bola basket pada 15 Desember 1891.
Menurut cerita, setelah menolak beberapa gagasan karena dianggap terlalu keras dan kurang cocok untuk dimainkan di gelanggang-gelanggang tertutup, dia lalu menulis beberapa peraturan dasar, menempelkan sebuah keranjang di dinding ruang gelanggang olahraga, dan meminta para siswanya untuk mulai memainkan permainan ciptaannya itu.
Pertandingan resmi bola basket yang pertama, diselenggarakan pada tanggal 20 Januari 1892 di tempat kerja Dr. James Naismith. "Basket ball" (sebutan bagi olahraga ini dalam bahasa Inggris), adalah sebutan yang digagas oleh salah seorang muridnya. Olahraga ini pun menjadi segera terkenal di seantero Amerika Serikat. Penggemar fanatiknya ditempatkan di seluruh cabang YMCA di Amerika Serikat. Pertandingan demi pertandingan pun segera dilaksanakan di kota-kota di seluruh negara bagian Amerika Serikat.
Pada awalnya,setiap tim berjumlah sembilan orang dan tidak ada dribble,sehingga bola hanya dapat berpindah melalui pass (lemparan). Sejarah peraturan permainan basket diawali dari 13 aturan dasar yang ditulis sendiri oleh James Naismith. Aturan dasar tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Bola dapat dilemparkan ke segala arah dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kedua tangan.
2. Bola dapat dipukul ke segala arah dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kedua tangan, tetapi tidak boleh dipukul menggunakan kepalan tangan (meninju).
3. Pemain tidak diperbolehkan berlari sambil memegang bola. Pemain harus melemparkan bola tersebut dari titik tempat menerima bola, tetapi diperbolehkan apabila pemain tersebut berlari pada kecepatan biasa.
4. Bola harus dipegang di dalam atau diantara telapak tangan. Lengan atau anggota tubuh lainnya tidak diperbolehkan memegang bola.
5. Pemain tidak diperbolehkan menyeruduk, menahan, mendorong, memukul, atau menjegal pemain lawan dengan cara bagaimanapun. Pelanggaran pertama terhadap peraturan ini akan dihitung sebagai kesalahan, pelanggaran kedua akan diberi sanksi berupa pendiskualifikasian pemain pelanggar hingga keranjang timnya dimasuki oleh bola lawan, dan apabila pelanggaran tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencederai lawan, maka pemain pelanggar akan dikenai hukuman tidak boleh ikut bermain sepanjang pertandingan. Pada masa ini, pergantian pemain tidak diperbolehkan.
6. Sebuah kesalahan dibuat pemain apabila memukul bola dengan kepalan tangan (meninju), melakukan pelanggaran terhadap aturan 3 dan 4, serta melanggar hal-hal yang disebutkan pada aturan 5.
7. Apabila salah satu pihak melakukan tiga kesalahan berturut-turut, maka kesalahan itu akan dihitung sebagai gol untuk lawannya (berturut-turut berarti tanpa adanya pelanggaran balik oleh lawan).
8. Gol terjadi apabila bola yang dilemparkan atau dipukul dari lapangan masuk ke dalam keranjang, dalam hal ini pemain yang menjaga keranjang tidak menyentuh atau mengganggu gol tersebut. Apabila bola terhenti di pinggir keranjang atau pemain lawan menggerakkan keranjang, maka hal tersebut tidak akan dihitung sebagai sebuah gol.
9. Apabila bola keluar lapangan pertandingan, bola akan dilemparkan kembali ke dalam dan dimainkan oleh pemain pertama yang menyentuhnya. Apabila terjadi perbedaan pendapat tentang kepemilikan bola, maka wasitlah yang akan melemparkannya ke dalam lapangan. Pelempar bola diberi waktu 5 detik untuk melemparkan bola dalam genggamannya. Apabila ia memegang lebih lama dari waktu tersebut, maka kepemilikan bola akan berpindah. Apabila salah satu pihak melakukan hal yang dapat menunda pertandingan, maka wasit dapat memberi mereka sebuah peringatan pelanggaran.
10. Wasit berhak untuk memperhatikan permainan para pemain dan mencatat jumlah pelanggaran dan memberi tahu wasit pembantu apabila terjadi pelanggaran berturut-turut. Wasit memiliki hak penuh untuk mendiskualifikasi pemain yang melakukan pelanggaran sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam aturan 5.
11. Wasit pembantu memperhatikan bola dan mengambil keputusan apabila bola dianggap telah keluar lapangan, pergantian kepemilikan bola, serta menghitung waktu. Wasit pembantu berhak menentukan sah tidaknya suatu gol dan menghitung jumlah gol yang terjadi.
12. Waktu pertandingan adalah 4 quarter masing-masing 10 menit
13. Pihak yang berhasil memasukkan gol terbanyak akan dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.
Menurut cerita, setelah menolak beberapa gagasan karena dianggap terlalu keras dan kurang cocok untuk dimainkan di gelanggang-gelanggang tertutup, dia lalu menulis beberapa peraturan dasar, menempelkan sebuah keranjang di dinding ruang gelanggang olahraga, dan meminta para siswanya untuk mulai memainkan permainan ciptaannya itu.
Pertandingan resmi bola basket yang pertama, diselenggarakan pada tanggal 20 Januari 1892 di tempat kerja Dr. James Naismith. "Basket ball" (sebutan bagi olahraga ini dalam bahasa Inggris), adalah sebutan yang digagas oleh salah seorang muridnya. Olahraga ini pun menjadi segera terkenal di seantero Amerika Serikat. Penggemar fanatiknya ditempatkan di seluruh cabang YMCA di Amerika Serikat. Pertandingan demi pertandingan pun segera dilaksanakan di kota-kota di seluruh negara bagian Amerika Serikat.
Pada awalnya,setiap tim berjumlah sembilan orang dan tidak ada dribble,sehingga bola hanya dapat berpindah melalui pass (lemparan). Sejarah peraturan permainan basket diawali dari 13 aturan dasar yang ditulis sendiri oleh James Naismith. Aturan dasar tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Bola dapat dilemparkan ke segala arah dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kedua tangan.
2. Bola dapat dipukul ke segala arah dengan menggunakan salah satu atau kedua tangan, tetapi tidak boleh dipukul menggunakan kepalan tangan (meninju).
3. Pemain tidak diperbolehkan berlari sambil memegang bola. Pemain harus melemparkan bola tersebut dari titik tempat menerima bola, tetapi diperbolehkan apabila pemain tersebut berlari pada kecepatan biasa.
4. Bola harus dipegang di dalam atau diantara telapak tangan. Lengan atau anggota tubuh lainnya tidak diperbolehkan memegang bola.
5. Pemain tidak diperbolehkan menyeruduk, menahan, mendorong, memukul, atau menjegal pemain lawan dengan cara bagaimanapun. Pelanggaran pertama terhadap peraturan ini akan dihitung sebagai kesalahan, pelanggaran kedua akan diberi sanksi berupa pendiskualifikasian pemain pelanggar hingga keranjang timnya dimasuki oleh bola lawan, dan apabila pelanggaran tersebut dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mencederai lawan, maka pemain pelanggar akan dikenai hukuman tidak boleh ikut bermain sepanjang pertandingan. Pada masa ini, pergantian pemain tidak diperbolehkan.
6. Sebuah kesalahan dibuat pemain apabila memukul bola dengan kepalan tangan (meninju), melakukan pelanggaran terhadap aturan 3 dan 4, serta melanggar hal-hal yang disebutkan pada aturan 5.
7. Apabila salah satu pihak melakukan tiga kesalahan berturut-turut, maka kesalahan itu akan dihitung sebagai gol untuk lawannya (berturut-turut berarti tanpa adanya pelanggaran balik oleh lawan).
8. Gol terjadi apabila bola yang dilemparkan atau dipukul dari lapangan masuk ke dalam keranjang, dalam hal ini pemain yang menjaga keranjang tidak menyentuh atau mengganggu gol tersebut. Apabila bola terhenti di pinggir keranjang atau pemain lawan menggerakkan keranjang, maka hal tersebut tidak akan dihitung sebagai sebuah gol.
9. Apabila bola keluar lapangan pertandingan, bola akan dilemparkan kembali ke dalam dan dimainkan oleh pemain pertama yang menyentuhnya. Apabila terjadi perbedaan pendapat tentang kepemilikan bola, maka wasitlah yang akan melemparkannya ke dalam lapangan. Pelempar bola diberi waktu 5 detik untuk melemparkan bola dalam genggamannya. Apabila ia memegang lebih lama dari waktu tersebut, maka kepemilikan bola akan berpindah. Apabila salah satu pihak melakukan hal yang dapat menunda pertandingan, maka wasit dapat memberi mereka sebuah peringatan pelanggaran.
10. Wasit berhak untuk memperhatikan permainan para pemain dan mencatat jumlah pelanggaran dan memberi tahu wasit pembantu apabila terjadi pelanggaran berturut-turut. Wasit memiliki hak penuh untuk mendiskualifikasi pemain yang melakukan pelanggaran sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam aturan 5.
11. Wasit pembantu memperhatikan bola dan mengambil keputusan apabila bola dianggap telah keluar lapangan, pergantian kepemilikan bola, serta menghitung waktu. Wasit pembantu berhak menentukan sah tidaknya suatu gol dan menghitung jumlah gol yang terjadi.
12. Waktu pertandingan adalah 4 quarter masing-masing 10 menit
13. Pihak yang berhasil memasukkan gol terbanyak akan dinyatakan sebagai pemenang.
Pengertian Basket
Bola basket adalah olahraga bola berkelompok yang terdiri atas dua tim beranggotakan masing-masing lima orang yang saling bertanding mencetak poin dengan memasukkan bola ke dalam keranjang lawan. Bola basket sangat cocok untuk ditonton karena biasa dimainkan di ruang olahraga tertutup dan hanya memerlukan lapangan yang relatif kecil. Selain itu, bola basket mudah dipelajari karena bentuk bolanya yang besar, sehingga tidak menyulitkan pemain ketika memantulkan atau melempar bola tersebut.
Bola basket adalah salah satu olahraga yang paling digemari oleh penduduk Amerika Serikat dan penduduk di belahan bumi lainnya, antara lain di Amerika Selatan, Eropa Selatan, Lithuania, dan juga di Indonesia.
Bola basket adalah salah satu olahraga yang paling digemari oleh penduduk Amerika Serikat dan penduduk di belahan bumi lainnya, antara lain di Amerika Selatan, Eropa Selatan, Lithuania, dan juga di Indonesia.
Rabu, 11 Maret 2009
Legacy and Influence on other genres
The San Francisco-based thrash metal bands Metallica and Slayer incorporated the compositional structure and technical proficiency of heavy metal with the speed and aggression of hardcore. The new fusion genre became known as thrash metal. Other early bands in this genre include Megadeth, Sepultura and Anthrax. Slayer are also known for their hardcore punk roots, and have released an album of hardcore cover versions called Undisputed Attitude. Sepultura's members were in hardcore bands in Brazil and have recorded with hardcore musicians such as Agnostic Front.
In 1985, New York's Stormtroopers of Death, an Anthrax side project, released the album Speak English or Die. Although it bore similarities to thrash metal – with a bass-heavy guitar, fast tempos and quick chord changes – the album was distinguished from thrash metal by its lack of guitar solos and heavy use of crunchy chord breakdowns (a New York hardcore technique) known as mosh parts. Other bands, such as Suicidal Tendencies and Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (DRI]), switched from hardcore to a similar metallic style, which came to be known as crossover thrash.
Some hardcore bands began experimenting with other styles as their careers progressed in the 1980s, becoming known as alternative rock.[31] Bands such as Minutemen, Meat Puppets, Hüsker Dü, and The Replacements drew from hardcore but broke away from its loud and fast formula. Critic Joe S. Harrington suggested that the latter two "paraded as Hardcore until it was deemed permissible to do otherwise".[32]
In the mid-1980s, Washington State bands such as Melvins and Green River developed a sludgy, "aggressive sound that melded the slower tempos of heavy metal with the intensity of hardcore", creating what became known as grunge music.[33] The early grunge sound was largely influenced by Black Sabbath and Black Flag (especially their My War album). The popularity of grunge resulted in renewed interest in American hardcore in the 1990s.
Melvins, aside from their influence on grunge, helped create what would be known as sludge metal, which is also a combination between Black Sabbath-style music and hardcore punk.[34] This genre developed during the early 1990s, in the Southern United States (particularly in the New Orleans metal scene).[35][36][37] Some of the pioneering bands of sludge metal were: Eyehategod,[34] Crowbar,[38] Down,[39] Buzzov*en,[36] Acid Bath[40] and Corrosion of Conformity.[37] Later, bands such as Isis and Neurosis,[41] with similar influences, created a style that relies mostly on ambience and atmosphere[42] that would eventually be named atmospheric sludge metal or post-metal.[43]
The later 1980s and early 1990s saw the development of post-hardcore, which took the hardcore style in a more artistic and complex direction, much as the bands of the post-punk era did for classic punk rock. Washington DC, in particular the community surrounding Dischord Records, became a hotbed for post-hardcore, producing bands such as Hoover, Nation of Ulysses, Jawbox and Fugazi, who helped define the scene and included Dischord founder and former Minor Threat frontman Ian MacKaye. Other notable post-hardcore bands from the United States include Chicago's Big Black, New York's Quicksand and Orange 9mm, Seattle's Pretty Girls Make Graves, Atlanta's Light Pupil Dilate and El Paso, Texas' At The Drive-In.
Post-hardcore included and influenced other styles, such as emo and math rock. Early emo bands were influenced by hardcore bands like Rites of Spring, Minor Threat, and Black Flag. Emo bands are heavily influenced by hardcore punk's powerful lyrics, song structure and emotion. Sunny Day Real Estate are sometimes called the "first true emo band."[44]
The hardcore punk scene had an influence that spread beyond music. The straight edge philosophy of no smoking, drinking or doing drugs was rooted in a faction of hardcore particularly popular on the east coast of the United States. Hare Krishna bands like 108 and Shelter typified this movement, taking it even a step further. Hardcore also put a great emphasis on the DIY punk ethic, which inspired other types of bands to make their own records, flyers and other items, and to book their own tours through an informal network of like-minded people.
In 1985, New York's Stormtroopers of Death, an Anthrax side project, released the album Speak English or Die. Although it bore similarities to thrash metal – with a bass-heavy guitar, fast tempos and quick chord changes – the album was distinguished from thrash metal by its lack of guitar solos and heavy use of crunchy chord breakdowns (a New York hardcore technique) known as mosh parts. Other bands, such as Suicidal Tendencies and Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (DRI]), switched from hardcore to a similar metallic style, which came to be known as crossover thrash.
Some hardcore bands began experimenting with other styles as their careers progressed in the 1980s, becoming known as alternative rock.[31] Bands such as Minutemen, Meat Puppets, Hüsker Dü, and The Replacements drew from hardcore but broke away from its loud and fast formula. Critic Joe S. Harrington suggested that the latter two "paraded as Hardcore until it was deemed permissible to do otherwise".[32]
In the mid-1980s, Washington State bands such as Melvins and Green River developed a sludgy, "aggressive sound that melded the slower tempos of heavy metal with the intensity of hardcore", creating what became known as grunge music.[33] The early grunge sound was largely influenced by Black Sabbath and Black Flag (especially their My War album). The popularity of grunge resulted in renewed interest in American hardcore in the 1990s.
Melvins, aside from their influence on grunge, helped create what would be known as sludge metal, which is also a combination between Black Sabbath-style music and hardcore punk.[34] This genre developed during the early 1990s, in the Southern United States (particularly in the New Orleans metal scene).[35][36][37] Some of the pioneering bands of sludge metal were: Eyehategod,[34] Crowbar,[38] Down,[39] Buzzov*en,[36] Acid Bath[40] and Corrosion of Conformity.[37] Later, bands such as Isis and Neurosis,[41] with similar influences, created a style that relies mostly on ambience and atmosphere[42] that would eventually be named atmospheric sludge metal or post-metal.[43]
The later 1980s and early 1990s saw the development of post-hardcore, which took the hardcore style in a more artistic and complex direction, much as the bands of the post-punk era did for classic punk rock. Washington DC, in particular the community surrounding Dischord Records, became a hotbed for post-hardcore, producing bands such as Hoover, Nation of Ulysses, Jawbox and Fugazi, who helped define the scene and included Dischord founder and former Minor Threat frontman Ian MacKaye. Other notable post-hardcore bands from the United States include Chicago's Big Black, New York's Quicksand and Orange 9mm, Seattle's Pretty Girls Make Graves, Atlanta's Light Pupil Dilate and El Paso, Texas' At The Drive-In.
Post-hardcore included and influenced other styles, such as emo and math rock. Early emo bands were influenced by hardcore bands like Rites of Spring, Minor Threat, and Black Flag. Emo bands are heavily influenced by hardcore punk's powerful lyrics, song structure and emotion. Sunny Day Real Estate are sometimes called the "first true emo band."[44]
The hardcore punk scene had an influence that spread beyond music. The straight edge philosophy of no smoking, drinking or doing drugs was rooted in a faction of hardcore particularly popular on the east coast of the United States. Hare Krishna bands like 108 and Shelter typified this movement, taking it even a step further. Hardcore also put a great emphasis on the DIY punk ethic, which inspired other types of bands to make their own records, flyers and other items, and to book their own tours through an informal network of like-minded people.
Early history in Europe
The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, and Germany have had notably active hardcore scenes. However, in the United Kingdom, street punk (also known as UK hardcore) bands such as The Exploited, Disorder, Discharge and Chaos UK occupied the cultural space that American-style hardcore did elsewhere. These UK bands at times showed a musical similarity to American hardcore, often including quick tempos and chord changes, and they generally had similar political and social sensibilities. However, they represented a case of parallel evolution, having been musically inspired by Oi! bands such as Sham 69, and the speed metal band Motörhead.
Discharge played a huge role in influencing early Swedish hardcore bands, such as Anti Cimex. Many hardcore bands from that region still have a strong Discharge and Motörhead influence.
Anarcho-punk bands such as Crass, Icons of Filth, Flux Of Pink Indians and Rudimentary Peni shared an uncompromising political philosophy and an abrasive aesthetic with American hardcore.
Many American hardcore punks listened to British punk bands, but others upheld a strict regionalism, deriding the UK bands as rock stars and their fans as inauthentic. American hardcore bands that visited the UK (such as Black Flag and U.S. Chaos in 1981-1982) encountered ambivalent attitudes. European hardcore bands suffered no such prejudice in the U.S.; Italian bands Raw Power and Negazione, and the Dutch BGK, enjoyed widespread popularity.
In the more underground part of the UK punk scene, a new hardcore sound and scene developed, inspired by continental European, Scandinavian, Japanese and American bands. It was started by bands like Asylum and Plasmid, and their sound – only heard at concerts and on demo tapes and compilations in the mid 1980s – evolved into metal bands such as Heresy, Napalm Death and Extreme Noise Terror.
There were many 1980s bands that could be described as sounding like something in between the styles of the dominating UK and US bands. While the bands that had the most significant influence were bands such as Discharge and Charged GBH, others, such as The Stupids (a UK band influenced by US hardcore) gained brief but widespread college-radio airplay in the US.
Other notable bands from that era in Europe were Crise Total (Portugal), Wretched, H.H.H., MG-15, Subterranean Kids, L'Odi Social, Ultimo Gobierno (Spain), Vorkriegsjugend, Spermbirds (Germany), U.B.R. (Former Yugoslavia), Heimat-Los (France), Lärm, Funeral Oration (Netherlands), Dezerter (Poland), Kaaos, Lama, Riistetyt, Terveet Kädet, (Finland), Headcleaners, Homy Hogs and Mob 47 (Sweden).
Examples of European bands that continued to play the original style of hardcore in the 1990s include Voorhees, Totalitär, Disfear and Sin Dios. After the fall of the Iron Curtain in eastern Europe, many hardcore bands were created or became more publicly known (after hiding in garages and being known only by small circles of underground fans).
Discharge played a huge role in influencing early Swedish hardcore bands, such as Anti Cimex. Many hardcore bands from that region still have a strong Discharge and Motörhead influence.
Anarcho-punk bands such as Crass, Icons of Filth, Flux Of Pink Indians and Rudimentary Peni shared an uncompromising political philosophy and an abrasive aesthetic with American hardcore.
Many American hardcore punks listened to British punk bands, but others upheld a strict regionalism, deriding the UK bands as rock stars and their fans as inauthentic. American hardcore bands that visited the UK (such as Black Flag and U.S. Chaos in 1981-1982) encountered ambivalent attitudes. European hardcore bands suffered no such prejudice in the U.S.; Italian bands Raw Power and Negazione, and the Dutch BGK, enjoyed widespread popularity.
In the more underground part of the UK punk scene, a new hardcore sound and scene developed, inspired by continental European, Scandinavian, Japanese and American bands. It was started by bands like Asylum and Plasmid, and their sound – only heard at concerts and on demo tapes and compilations in the mid 1980s – evolved into metal bands such as Heresy, Napalm Death and Extreme Noise Terror.
There were many 1980s bands that could be described as sounding like something in between the styles of the dominating UK and US bands. While the bands that had the most significant influence were bands such as Discharge and Charged GBH, others, such as The Stupids (a UK band influenced by US hardcore) gained brief but widespread college-radio airplay in the US.
Other notable bands from that era in Europe were Crise Total (Portugal), Wretched, H.H.H., MG-15, Subterranean Kids, L'Odi Social, Ultimo Gobierno (Spain), Vorkriegsjugend, Spermbirds (Germany), U.B.R. (Former Yugoslavia), Heimat-Los (France), Lärm, Funeral Oration (Netherlands), Dezerter (Poland), Kaaos, Lama, Riistetyt, Terveet Kädet, (Finland), Headcleaners, Homy Hogs and Mob 47 (Sweden).
Examples of European bands that continued to play the original style of hardcore in the 1990s include Voorhees, Totalitär, Disfear and Sin Dios. After the fall of the Iron Curtain in eastern Europe, many hardcore bands were created or became more publicly known (after hiding in garages and being known only by small circles of underground fans).
Other early notable bands
According to Brendan Mullen, founder of the Los Angeles punk club The Masque, the first U.S. tour of The Damned in 1977 found them favoring very fast tempos, causing a "sensation" among fans and musicians, and helping inspire the first wave of U.S. west coast hardcore punk.[13]
San Francisco's Dead Kennedys formed in 1978 and released their first single "California Über Alles" in 1979. By the time they released the In God We Trust, Inc. EP in 1981, Dead Kennedys were playing very fast tempos. Circle Jerks’ first album (recorded in late 1979, released 1980) features several songs with very fast chord changes and tempos. The Misfits (of New Jersey) were a 1977-style punk band involved in New York’s Max's Kansas City scene. Their horror film aesthetic was popular among early hardcore fans. In 1981, the Misfits integrated high-speed thrash songs into their set. Hüsker Dü was formed in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1979 as a post-punk/New Wave band, but soon became a loud and fast hard punk band. Hüsker Dü released the 1982 live album Land Speed Record, which has been called a "breakneck force like no other... Not for the faint of heart."[14] By 1985, the band morphed into one of the seminal alternative rock bands.[15] In 1982, Bad Religion released How Could Hell Be Any Worse?, which is considered a benchmark hardcore album, and which secured them as one of the most enduring outfits of the early 1980s hardcore scene.
By 1981, many more hardcore punk bands began to perform and release recordings, including 7 Seconds of Reno, Nevada who formed in 1979; M.I.A of Orange County, California; Negative Approach[16] and Degenerates[17] of Detroit; The Meatmen of Lansing, Michigan; The Necros of Maumee, Ohio; The Effigies of Chicago; SS Decontrol,DYS, Negative FX, Jerry's Kids, and Gang Green of Boston; The Mob and Agnostic Front of New York City. The Beastie Boys, more widely known for their later hip hop music, were one of the first recorded hardcore bands in New York City. Negative FX, perhaps the most popular hardcore band in Boston around early 1982, did not appear on record while they were together. They were largely unknown outside their own area until a posthumous album was released in 1984. In Honolulu, the skater surfer fueled community juxtaposed well in the tropical tourist city. Bands like Super Rad Ohana, The Sharx, and Devil Dog thrived from '81 -'87.[18] Devil Dog frontman Raoul Vehill recreated the dayglo thrash scene in his autobiographical novel, Hawaii Punk, published by Enlightened Pyramid.[19]
Notable early hardcore punk records include The Angry Samoans’ first LP, the Big Boys/The Dicks Live at Raul's Club split LP, the Boston-area compilation This Is Boston, Not L.A., Minor Threat's 7" EPs, JFA's Blatant Localism EP, the New York-area compilations New York Thrash and The Big Apple Rotten To The Core, Negative Approach's eponymous EP and the DC-area compilation record Flex Your Head.[20]
San Francisco's Dead Kennedys formed in 1978 and released their first single "California Über Alles" in 1979. By the time they released the In God We Trust, Inc. EP in 1981, Dead Kennedys were playing very fast tempos. Circle Jerks’ first album (recorded in late 1979, released 1980) features several songs with very fast chord changes and tempos. The Misfits (of New Jersey) were a 1977-style punk band involved in New York’s Max's Kansas City scene. Their horror film aesthetic was popular among early hardcore fans. In 1981, the Misfits integrated high-speed thrash songs into their set. Hüsker Dü was formed in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1979 as a post-punk/New Wave band, but soon became a loud and fast hard punk band. Hüsker Dü released the 1982 live album Land Speed Record, which has been called a "breakneck force like no other... Not for the faint of heart."[14] By 1985, the band morphed into one of the seminal alternative rock bands.[15] In 1982, Bad Religion released How Could Hell Be Any Worse?, which is considered a benchmark hardcore album, and which secured them as one of the most enduring outfits of the early 1980s hardcore scene.
By 1981, many more hardcore punk bands began to perform and release recordings, including 7 Seconds of Reno, Nevada who formed in 1979; M.I.A of Orange County, California; Negative Approach[16] and Degenerates[17] of Detroit; The Meatmen of Lansing, Michigan; The Necros of Maumee, Ohio; The Effigies of Chicago; SS Decontrol,DYS, Negative FX, Jerry's Kids, and Gang Green of Boston; The Mob and Agnostic Front of New York City. The Beastie Boys, more widely known for their later hip hop music, were one of the first recorded hardcore bands in New York City. Negative FX, perhaps the most popular hardcore band in Boston around early 1982, did not appear on record while they were together. They were largely unknown outside their own area until a posthumous album was released in 1984. In Honolulu, the skater surfer fueled community juxtaposed well in the tropical tourist city. Bands like Super Rad Ohana, The Sharx, and Devil Dog thrived from '81 -'87.[18] Devil Dog frontman Raoul Vehill recreated the dayglo thrash scene in his autobiographical novel, Hawaii Punk, published by Enlightened Pyramid.[19]
Notable early hardcore punk records include The Angry Samoans’ first LP, the Big Boys/The Dicks Live at Raul's Club split LP, the Boston-area compilation This Is Boston, Not L.A., Minor Threat's 7" EPs, JFA's Blatant Localism EP, the New York-area compilations New York Thrash and The Big Apple Rotten To The Core, Negative Approach's eponymous EP and the DC-area compilation record Flex Your Head.[20]
History Hardcore
In America, the music genre that became known as hardcore punk originated in different areas in the early 1980s, with notable centers of activity in California, Washington, D.C., New York City, Michigan, and Boston.
The origin of the term hardcore punk is uncertain. The Vancouver-based band D.O.A. may have helped to popularize the term with the title of their 1981 album, Hardcore '81.[5][6][7] Until about 1983, the term hardcore was used sparingly, and mainly as a descriptive term. (i.e., a band would be called a "hardcore band" and a concert would be a "hardcore show"). American teenagers who were fans of hardcore punk simply considered themselves fans of punk – although they were not necessarily interested in the original punk rock sound of late 1970s (e.g., Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash, or The Damned). In many circles, hardcore was an in-group term, meaning music by people like us. Since most bands had little access to any means of production, hardcore lauded a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. In most cities the hardcore scene relied on inexpensively-made DIY recordings created on four-track recorders and sold at concerts or by mail. Concerts were promoted by photocopied zines, community radio shows, and affixing posters to walls and telephone poles. Hardcore punk fans adopted a dressed-down style of T-shirts, jeans, and crewcut-style haircuts. While 1977-era punk had used DIY clothing as well, such as torn pants held together with safety pins, the dressed-down style of the 1980s hardcore scene contrasted with the more elaborate and provocative fashion styles of late 1970s punk rockers, which included make-up, elaborate hairdos and avant-garde clothing experiments.
During the same period, there was a parallel development in the United Kingdom of a British form of hardcore punk or street punk.[8] British hardcore bands such as Discharge and Chaos UK took the existing late 1970s punk sound and added the incessant, heavy drumbeats and distorted guitar sound of New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) bands such as Motörhead. This contributed to the development of the thrash metal sound of the 1980s.
The origin of the term hardcore punk is uncertain. The Vancouver-based band D.O.A. may have helped to popularize the term with the title of their 1981 album, Hardcore '81.[5][6][7] Until about 1983, the term hardcore was used sparingly, and mainly as a descriptive term. (i.e., a band would be called a "hardcore band" and a concert would be a "hardcore show"). American teenagers who were fans of hardcore punk simply considered themselves fans of punk – although they were not necessarily interested in the original punk rock sound of late 1970s (e.g., Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash, or The Damned). In many circles, hardcore was an in-group term, meaning music by people like us. Since most bands had little access to any means of production, hardcore lauded a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. In most cities the hardcore scene relied on inexpensively-made DIY recordings created on four-track recorders and sold at concerts or by mail. Concerts were promoted by photocopied zines, community radio shows, and affixing posters to walls and telephone poles. Hardcore punk fans adopted a dressed-down style of T-shirts, jeans, and crewcut-style haircuts. While 1977-era punk had used DIY clothing as well, such as torn pants held together with safety pins, the dressed-down style of the 1980s hardcore scene contrasted with the more elaborate and provocative fashion styles of late 1970s punk rockers, which included make-up, elaborate hairdos and avant-garde clothing experiments.
During the same period, there was a parallel development in the United Kingdom of a British form of hardcore punk or street punk.[8] British hardcore bands such as Discharge and Chaos UK took the existing late 1970s punk sound and added the incessant, heavy drumbeats and distorted guitar sound of New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) bands such as Motörhead. This contributed to the development of the thrash metal sound of the 1980s.
Hardcore Punk
Hardcore punk is a subgenre of punk rock that originated in North America and the UK in the late 1970s. The new sound was generally thicker, heavier and faster than earlier punk rock.[1] The songs are usually short, fast, and loud, covering topics such as politics, personal freedom, violence, social alienation, straight edge, veganism and vegetarianism, war, and the hardcore subculture itself.[2][3][4]
Hardcore spawned several fusion genres and subgenres, some of which had mainstream success, such as melodic hardcore, metalcore, post-hardcore, sludge metal and thrash metal
Hardcore spawned several fusion genres and subgenres, some of which had mainstream success, such as melodic hardcore, metalcore, post-hardcore, sludge metal and thrash metal
Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009
Emo Kids
The term for the teenagers who listen emocore is emo kids. The society thinks about them as failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions, they're sensitive, shy, introverted, and often quiet. Usually, Emo kids like to express their feeling writing poems about their problems with depression, confusion, and anger; all because the world fails to understand them. Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone, stream of consciousness writing, a simple (ABAB) or nonexistent rhyme scheme, references to the flesh, especially the heart, heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives, and concern over the mutability of time, love or both. Themes such as life is pain are common. You can check some 'emo poems' on our forum! Altough life is already very hard for them, emo kids have to suffer for even more society prosecution because of their condition. The term 'emo' itself is used nowadays as an insult. Adressed to a person means they are 'overly emotional'. Emocore is compared with pop boy bands of 1990s. Critics cast the music as lacking any artistic merit and that the fashion is just ... a fashion used to drive girls attention. The ones who are emo not because they feel it, but because they like to be trendy are named 'posers'. A big percent of the current emo subculture is formed by posers. Emo subculture is acused that it is celebrating self-harm. As i've said before many fail to understand that those are only fake emos (rawrr you bastards, get away from here); actually i have no rights to judge them even if most of us suffer because of them.
emo Lagii ,, Lagi emo
Anak muda sering menjadi korban miskonsepsi dan begitu pula style yang mereka anut. Emo style adalah salah satu yang sering disalah kaprahkan oleh para orang tua yang menganggap anak muda penganutnya sebagai pemberontak dan apatis.Anak muda sering menjadi korban miskonsepsi dan begitu pula style yang mereka anut. Emo style adalah salah satu yang sering disalah kaprahkan oleh para orang tua yang menganggap anak muda penganutnya sebagai pemberontak dan apatis.
Salah satunya adalah penggunaan kosmetik rambut pada rambut emo. Sering kali penyandang gaya rambut emo menggunakan banyak hair gel atau produk hairstyling lainnya. Karena hal tersebut, banyak orang mengasumsikan bahwa rambut anak-ank emo tidak bersih. Kesan seperti ini bisa timbul ketika loe gak membersihkan rambut loe secara rutin.
Zat kimia yang ditinggalkan produk hairstyling di rambut bisa menyebabkan rambut terlihat sangat jelek dan tidak terawat. Dari rambut yang tidak terawat seperti itu lah muncul kesan bahwa orang-orang emo apatis, bahkan tidak peduli pada diri mereka sendiri.
Padahal kalau kita mengaku emo, kita pasti tahu bahwa salah satu prinsip emo adalah menampilkan emosi dalam diri melalui penampilan. Berarti penampilan yang tidak terawat = emosi yang juga tidak terawat.
Para orang tua juga sering kali menganggap anak muda yang menyandang emo style berkepribadian tidak stabil. Mereka mungkin saja memandang pakaian anak emo yang ”sedikit berbeda” ditambah poni yang menggantung menutupi setengah wajah sebagai hal yang negatif. Gaya rambut seperti itu sering kali dianggap untuk menyembunyikan diri.
Walaupun penampilan menggambarkan apa yang ada dalam diri kita sesungguhnya, sebenarnya mereka tidak berhak menilai kita secara negatif hanya dari setereotip dan asosiasi yang tidak jelas. Kita juga harus secara ekstra aktif menunjukkan sikap positif kita untuk mengimbangi miskonsepsi negatif tersebut. Repot memang, tapi mau bagaimana lagi… namanya juga orang tua.
Salah satunya adalah penggunaan kosmetik rambut pada rambut emo. Sering kali penyandang gaya rambut emo menggunakan banyak hair gel atau produk hairstyling lainnya. Karena hal tersebut, banyak orang mengasumsikan bahwa rambut anak-ank emo tidak bersih. Kesan seperti ini bisa timbul ketika loe gak membersihkan rambut loe secara rutin.
Zat kimia yang ditinggalkan produk hairstyling di rambut bisa menyebabkan rambut terlihat sangat jelek dan tidak terawat. Dari rambut yang tidak terawat seperti itu lah muncul kesan bahwa orang-orang emo apatis, bahkan tidak peduli pada diri mereka sendiri.
Padahal kalau kita mengaku emo, kita pasti tahu bahwa salah satu prinsip emo adalah menampilkan emosi dalam diri melalui penampilan. Berarti penampilan yang tidak terawat = emosi yang juga tidak terawat.
Para orang tua juga sering kali menganggap anak muda yang menyandang emo style berkepribadian tidak stabil. Mereka mungkin saja memandang pakaian anak emo yang ”sedikit berbeda” ditambah poni yang menggantung menutupi setengah wajah sebagai hal yang negatif. Gaya rambut seperti itu sering kali dianggap untuk menyembunyikan diri.
Walaupun penampilan menggambarkan apa yang ada dalam diri kita sesungguhnya, sebenarnya mereka tidak berhak menilai kita secara negatif hanya dari setereotip dan asosiasi yang tidak jelas. Kita juga harus secara ekstra aktif menunjukkan sikap positif kita untuk mengimbangi miskonsepsi negatif tersebut. Repot memang, tapi mau bagaimana lagi… namanya juga orang tua.
Emo Hair Hate
I just came across this video on Youtube criticizing emo hair or scene hair, whatever you want to call it. It basically shows some photos calling it the worst of the worst emo hair styles.
Seriously, why go all the way putting together such a video, which must have taken over one hour, only finding all the emo hair pictures? Sure you got 40k views on YouTube but what did you achieve? If anyone is sad it’s you, whoever made the video.
Furthermore, what’s the point and aim of criticizing someone for the way their emo hair looks like? That’s like being racist or hating someone just because of their colour, way of living, etc.
Seriously, why go all the way putting together such a video, which must have taken over one hour, only finding all the emo hair pictures? Sure you got 40k views on YouTube but what did you achieve? If anyone is sad it’s you, whoever made the video.
Furthermore, what’s the point and aim of criticizing someone for the way their emo hair looks like? That’s like being racist or hating someone just because of their colour, way of living, etc.
Emo music CD

There was quite a bit about this on TV, the Valentines Day Massacre CD aka The Emo Anti-Valentines Day Collection of tracks. I’ve listened to it in Virgin yesterday and here’s what I think about it as it’s quite a quality buy.
A high majority of the most popular emo bands play one or even two songs from each. I liked it when I first listened to it in store and decided to buy it because it appeared to be some thing different from the mainstream. All the songs have something unique to them and are very instrumental indeed; a pleasure to listen to.
Emo Hair, Emo World
Well, I just got back from my one week holiday in Spain on the southern coast about 10km from Puerto Banos; which I think could just as well be the second highest place regarding £4m+ yachts density! I didn’t actually take a photo but I’m sure you could find one if you search Google or some other search engines. These yachts are supposed to belong to actors, singers, businessmen and all other sort of rich people. It is true that I stayed in a nice hotel as well ;) but let’s not go there! While I was away, I also observed people’s hairstyles and particularly to see how different those in Spain are from the ones in the US or UK! In addition, I had a special thought for emo hair and emo hairstyles.
To be honest, I saw a lot less emo hair styles out there in Spain and I’m sure Portugal follows the same trend. The reason might be that maybe the emo fashion simply hasn’t propagated through yet OR maybe it’s simply too hot and humid for them to bother with maintaining the emo hair styles which we all know can take some time.
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To be honest, I saw a lot less emo hair styles out there in Spain and I’m sure Portugal follows the same trend. The reason might be that maybe the emo fashion simply hasn’t propagated through yet OR maybe it’s simply too hot and humid for them to bother with maintaining the emo hair styles which we all know can take some time.
Read more
Emo Clothing Style
Coming to cloth styling and accessories range of emo styling, girls generally sport short skirts with high boots or tight jeans with flat buckles. Emo Boys make a style statement in loose cargoes or tight jeans depending upon the length of their T-shirts. A tight flashy T-shirt boasting of favorite band is worn by both the sexes. The accessories include traditional and stylish boots from 80’s.
Body piercing can also be observed in emo styling. In addition to this hoodies and jackets are a must. Decent black hoodies are integral part of emo styling and can be worn around the year on top of the T-shirts.
Body piercing can also be observed in emo styling. In addition to this hoodies and jackets are a must. Decent black hoodies are integral part of emo styling and can be worn around the year on top of the T-shirts.
How to make emo hair styLe?
It is very easy to form your Emo hairstyle into spikes or a funky shag.
All that you need to do is-
List Icon Start with wet hair
List Icon Using your fingers work a generous amount of gel through your hair
List Icon Form your hair into spikes or shape your shag the way you want it
List Icon Blow-dry your hair
List Icon If making spikes, add more gel as needed
List Icon Do not brush your hair out
List Icon Spray hair well with hairspray for hold.
The beauty of an Emo hairstyle is how un-uniformed it is.
If you were to visit a salon for your Emo hairstyle and find yourself not happy with it later, you could always feel free to make a few adjustments yourself at home.
Although you can cut your own hair into an Emo hairstyle at home, sometimes it is best to visit a trained professional.
This is true even though many Emo hairstyles are asymmetrical and rather choppy.
This is because it is very hard for us to get a good view of how our hair looks from behind.
However, if you are insistent on doing your Emo hairstyle yourself, the good news is that it is impossible to make a mistake.
The whole point of the Emo hairstyle is a unique look unlike what anyone else has.
Therefore a mistake in your cutting could actually turn into an advantage in your Emo look.
How To Style Emo Hairstyles
There is such a variety of ways that you can go about getting an Emo hairstyle.
If your hair is long or medium length, you can create an uneven look by cutting one side shorter than the other or even by pulling part of your hair up and leaving the other half down.
You could use a spray shine to add brightness, or add highlights to layers if you have them.
Although shorter Emo hairstyles are more common than long, you can still have an Emo hairstyle no matter the length of your locks.
Enjoy Emo.
All that you need to do is-
List Icon Start with wet hair
List Icon Using your fingers work a generous amount of gel through your hair
List Icon Form your hair into spikes or shape your shag the way you want it
List Icon Blow-dry your hair
List Icon If making spikes, add more gel as needed
List Icon Do not brush your hair out
List Icon Spray hair well with hairspray for hold.
The beauty of an Emo hairstyle is how un-uniformed it is.
If you were to visit a salon for your Emo hairstyle and find yourself not happy with it later, you could always feel free to make a few adjustments yourself at home.
Although you can cut your own hair into an Emo hairstyle at home, sometimes it is best to visit a trained professional.
This is true even though many Emo hairstyles are asymmetrical and rather choppy.
This is because it is very hard for us to get a good view of how our hair looks from behind.
However, if you are insistent on doing your Emo hairstyle yourself, the good news is that it is impossible to make a mistake.
The whole point of the Emo hairstyle is a unique look unlike what anyone else has.
Therefore a mistake in your cutting could actually turn into an advantage in your Emo look.
How To Style Emo Hairstyles
There is such a variety of ways that you can go about getting an Emo hairstyle.
If your hair is long or medium length, you can create an uneven look by cutting one side shorter than the other or even by pulling part of your hair up and leaving the other half down.
You could use a spray shine to add brightness, or add highlights to layers if you have them.
Although shorter Emo hairstyles are more common than long, you can still have an Emo hairstyle no matter the length of your locks.
Enjoy Emo.
emo styLe
kamoo taoo gaagg seh cbnre pa artine emo ??
tp pernah dnger kand ?!
Banyak yang bilang emo singkatan dari emotion, emotional, atau emotive.
Emo itu bisa dibilang komunitas orang patah hati, mungkin dulunya ada anak – anak yang sayang banget sampe nyerahin semua hatinya sama pacarnya dan akhirnya patah hati. Makanya emo itu lambang putus asa biasanya pake gambar hati yang pecah atau hati retak.
denger-denger sih, kalau di luar negeri komunitas emo itu pada homo (suka sesama jenis) biasanya anak emo mengucilkan diri dari orang lain. Padahalkan kalau anak emo yang cowok pada keren – keren juga cakeph-cakeph.
Sebenarnya Emo merupakan aliran musik yang berlirik puitis, mempunyai arti dalam, mengandung banyak kesedihan dan kemarahan hingga kematian, kesendirian , broken heart ditinggal kekasih, tentang keluarga yang broken home. Contoh aliran musik emo di Indonesia misalnya Alone at last, kalau di luar negerinya The Used katanya emo banget tuh…
Sekarang emo dipakai sebagai gaya berpakaian. Emo style ini berasal dari Amerika, orang amerika menyebut komunitas penyuka emo dengan emo fag. Di Indonesia pun ada orang penganut emo dengan mengikuti gaya berpakaiannya hingga tingkah laku. Nah, cara berpakaian emo merupakan campuran antara gothic, punk dan jenis musik lainnya. memakai kaos yang bertuliskan nama band, matanya bermaskara, dan memakai eye liner hitam, rambut spiffy yang menutupi mata,. Untuk aksesoris ada juga yang memakai kacamata hitam.
Biasanya emo identiknya pake warna hitam sama merah darah. Terus kalau emo girlnya identik warna hitam sama pink. nah yang disamping itu, gambar emo girl.yah, seperti itu lah....
Menariknya kalau menurut agkoo EMO tuw uniq bangedt ditambah foto – fotonya keren – keren gitu...
pkoke agkoo suka bangedt ma EMO !!!
EMO Lover getoo..
tp pernah dnger kand ?!
Banyak yang bilang emo singkatan dari emotion, emotional, atau emotive.
Emo itu bisa dibilang komunitas orang patah hati, mungkin dulunya ada anak – anak yang sayang banget sampe nyerahin semua hatinya sama pacarnya dan akhirnya patah hati. Makanya emo itu lambang putus asa biasanya pake gambar hati yang pecah atau hati retak.
denger-denger sih, kalau di luar negeri komunitas emo itu pada homo (suka sesama jenis) biasanya anak emo mengucilkan diri dari orang lain. Padahalkan kalau anak emo yang cowok pada keren – keren juga cakeph-cakeph.
Sebenarnya Emo merupakan aliran musik yang berlirik puitis, mempunyai arti dalam, mengandung banyak kesedihan dan kemarahan hingga kematian, kesendirian , broken heart ditinggal kekasih, tentang keluarga yang broken home. Contoh aliran musik emo di Indonesia misalnya Alone at last, kalau di luar negerinya The Used katanya emo banget tuh…
Sekarang emo dipakai sebagai gaya berpakaian. Emo style ini berasal dari Amerika, orang amerika menyebut komunitas penyuka emo dengan emo fag. Di Indonesia pun ada orang penganut emo dengan mengikuti gaya berpakaiannya hingga tingkah laku. Nah, cara berpakaian emo merupakan campuran antara gothic, punk dan jenis musik lainnya. memakai kaos yang bertuliskan nama band, matanya bermaskara, dan memakai eye liner hitam, rambut spiffy yang menutupi mata,. Untuk aksesoris ada juga yang memakai kacamata hitam.
Biasanya emo identiknya pake warna hitam sama merah darah. Terus kalau emo girlnya identik warna hitam sama pink. nah yang disamping itu, gambar emo girl.yah, seperti itu lah....
Menariknya kalau menurut agkoo EMO tuw uniq bangedt ditambah foto – fotonya keren – keren gitu...
pkoke agkoo suka bangedt ma EMO !!!
EMO Lover getoo..
Gaya Fashion Rambut emo dan Hajuku StyLe

Saat ini banyak kita temui potongan rambut yang bermacam-macam bentuk dan variasinya. Salah satunya adalah Fashion Rambut Emo dan Harajuku. Eitsss tunggu dulu, Emo dan Harajuku ini bukan nama orang tetapi fashion rambut yang lagi tren pada jamannya. Ini terbukti sebagian besar anak-anak muda saat ini khususnya mahasiswa menyukai tern rambut ini.
Tren rambut berponi yang disisir rapi kesamping menutupi mata dan pendek pada bagian belakang adalah ciri utama Emo style. Potongan rambut ini dikenal banyak remaja setahun belakangan ini. Seperti potongan rambut Iyan Kasela vokalis band Radja, Kangen band dan masih banyak lagi. Emo Style ini dijuluki rambut berat sebelah.
Sedangkan potongan rambut acak-acakan dan unik adalah Harajuku Style yang identik dengan potongan rambut Jepang, potongan rambut ini sudah ngtren beberapa tahun belakangan.
Tapi apakah dengan potongan rambut Emo dan Harajuku ini tidak meresahkan remaja laki-laki yang biasanya identik dengan rambut pendek??
Juli mengatakan, suka dengan potongan rambut jaman sekarang yaitu Emo dan Harajuku. Potongan rambut ini menggambarkan karakter remaja kebanyakan yang tidak mau dibatasi olehapapun dan siapapun. ‘’Biar kelihatan modis dan gaul,’’ ujar cowok tinggi yang sekarang ini berstatus mahasiswa di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Bahasa dan Sastra.
Hal senada diutarakan Bankga, mahasiswa Universitas Muhamadiyah (Umri) jurusan Faskultas Ilmu Komunikasi (Fasilkasi). Dia mengaku bahwa telah menemukan jati dirinya dengan mempunyai rambut Harajuku. ‘’Dengan rambut begini aku merasa nyaman dan tambah Percaya Diri alias PD ketika menghadiri kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan remaja,’’ tutur cowok Chines yang suka ngikutin evolusi hair style (gaya rambut).
Begitu juga dengan Dirga dan Edhi. Siswa SMAN 12 ini sangat menyukai tren rambut zaman sekarang yaitu Harajuku. menurut Dirga model rambut Harajuku tambah keren apabila dimodifikasi dengan warna-warna rambut. ‘’Apalagi yang berwajah oriental akan lebih cocok dengan tokoh animasi Jepang,’’ sambung Edhi.
Lain halnya dengan Riko mahasiswa Unri ini. Dia mengatakan rambut yang mengikuti perkembangan global itu adalah Rock n Roll. ‘’Gaya rambut yang geometric dan spike apalagi dicampur unsur gimbal,’’ ujarnya sambil ngebas kepada Xpresi ketika ditemui di Fakultasnya FKIP Bahasa dan Sastra.
Sepintas ternyata nama Emo dan Harajuku ini mempunyai sejarah yang mana nama Emo sendiri adalah singkatan dari Emotional. Emo yang berasal dari aliran musik yang menceritakan tentang perasaan seseorang yang muncul akibat putus asa, masokis, cengeng dan terbuang. Kemudian meluapkanya ke dalam musik. Lama kelamaan Emo berkembang menjadi gaya hidup, tingkah laku manusia yang mengaku dirinya adalah Emo.
Sedangkan nama Harajuku ini merupakan nama tempat dari sebuah kawasan kecil di Tokyo, Jepang. Tepatnya di daerah sekitar Stasiun Harajuku. Sebuah stasiun yang dekat dengan Sibuya. Semenjak itu Harajuku menjadi tempat berkumpul favorit anak-anak muda yang berpenampilan unik dan nyentrik. Mereka bebas berekspresi dan berdandan yang inspirasinya diambil dari para tokoh animasi Jepang. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa perkembangan zaman selalu membawa perubahan bagi budaya-budaya yang ada
apa'n ntuu emo . ?
emo.. apa itu emo..?
apa lo tau apa emo...?
kenapa lo banyak yg benci ama emo..?
apa karna anak emo punya rambut yg keren trus lo gak cocok ama gaya rambut yg kayak gitu?
banyak orang yg gak tau apa itu emo..
emo itu Emotinal Mental Overload
yg arti nya emosi mental yg berlebihan.. itu karna mereka mngalami depresi.. makanya lo liat tu byk yg poto nya motong urat nadi gitu.. tp gak smua emo gitu itu cm yg uda gak sanggup lagi nahan.. faktor yg buat depresi itu kluarga, masyarakat, skolah,kuliah, dll. jadi gw tanya ke kalian.. orang uda susah gitu masih kalian benci??
emo itu gak pnh dgerin apa kata orang laen..
jadi klo klean mw ngehina terserah..
emo itu bebas mau pake baju apa..
ga musti pakaian serba item, rambut nya modis, pake pierching dll dahh.." (tp gw emank suka nya dari dulu warna itemm.. lagian idup gw cm 2 warna.. item ama putih)
emo itu gak musti dengerin lagu" emo,screamo, dll atau lagu" yg lirik nya ttg suicide..
karna lagu tu smangat hidup bwt anak emo..
jd apa salah nya klo mw denger lagu laen..
slama orang nya sndiri suka,..
semua orang punya kepribadian masing"
jadi jgn saling mencela..
yg plg pnting.. asal lo tau aja..
emo itu orang yg gak bahagia, merasa terkucilkan, byk masalah, sakit kepala, merasa gak bahagia, g pnh senang..!!!!
trus tolong jangan dimusuhi...!!!!!!!!
apa lo tau apa emo...?
kenapa lo banyak yg benci ama emo..?
apa karna anak emo punya rambut yg keren trus lo gak cocok ama gaya rambut yg kayak gitu?
banyak orang yg gak tau apa itu emo..
emo itu Emotinal Mental Overload
yg arti nya emosi mental yg berlebihan.. itu karna mereka mngalami depresi.. makanya lo liat tu byk yg poto nya motong urat nadi gitu.. tp gak smua emo gitu itu cm yg uda gak sanggup lagi nahan.. faktor yg buat depresi itu kluarga, masyarakat, skolah,kuliah, dll. jadi gw tanya ke kalian.. orang uda susah gitu masih kalian benci??
emo itu gak pnh dgerin apa kata orang laen..
jadi klo klean mw ngehina terserah..
emo itu bebas mau pake baju apa..
ga musti pakaian serba item, rambut nya modis, pake pierching dll dahh.." (tp gw emank suka nya dari dulu warna itemm.. lagian idup gw cm 2 warna.. item ama putih)
emo itu gak musti dengerin lagu" emo,screamo, dll atau lagu" yg lirik nya ttg suicide..
karna lagu tu smangat hidup bwt anak emo..
jd apa salah nya klo mw denger lagu laen..
slama orang nya sndiri suka,..
semua orang punya kepribadian masing"
jadi jgn saling mencela..
yg plg pnting.. asal lo tau aja..
emo itu orang yg gak bahagia, merasa terkucilkan, byk masalah, sakit kepala, merasa gak bahagia, g pnh senang..!!!!
trus tolong jangan dimusuhi...!!!!!!!!
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